Smaller Homework Assignments, One-Week Assignments Set Exams - Essays

Af: Lotte Rienecker, Peter Stray Jørgensen, Signe Skov



The good paper is written for students who must independently formulate a research question and search for literature for their Bachelor theses, research papers, projects at all levels of project oriented education and Master and diploma theses. The book is focused towards 5 fundamental guiding elements which can be illustrated by the pentagon model: 1. Research question 2. Purpose 3. Data, materials and phenomena 4. Theories, concepts and methods 5. Research design The book includes a numerous annotated examples of good papers from a great number of university educations and professional bachelor programmes. It also includes activities along with explanations: How do you write a good paper? The good paper is also available in Danish: Den gode opgave.

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  • 14

  • Samfundslitteratur

  • 9788759321942

  • 15-07-2013

  • Generelle studier